Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sick Words

Krukolibidinous (KROO-koh-li-BID-i-nus) - Crotch-watching; having one's gaze fixated on the crotch.

Medical or scientific terms for things like:

Cacocallia (KAK-uh-KAL-shee-uh) - The paradoxical state of being ugly but at the same time sexually desireable.
Anorchous (an-ORK-us) - Devoid or deprived of testicles; in colloquial lingo, "has no balls."
Dysania (dis-AY-nee-uh) - The state of having a rough time waking up and dragging yourself out of bed in the morning.
Noeclexis (NOH-i-KLEK-sis) - The practice of selecting a partner based on intellegence and character without regard for physical attractiveness.

Read the rest here

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