Great MTV Europe commercial. Why can't we have commercials like this over here? could possibly destroy our freedom or something. my bad.
Watch it here (worth the click)
Friday, May 9, 2008
"Rock is Hard"
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Top 10 Most Disturbing Cartoon Moments
Topless Robot has the top 10 most disturbing childhood cartoon moments. It involves naked Thundercats, melting G.I. Joe Families, and a Smurfy death song.
Labels: cartoons
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
To the Crazy-bat-shit-lady who picked up the free fridge
From Craigslist
Dear Crazy-As-Bat-Shit-Lady:
I am honored that you chose my ad for a mini fridge out of all the ads you could have chosen. It makes me feel good that my mini fridge will be supplying you with the ice cold beverages you've obviously become accustomed to.
Next time you answer one of my ads, please note the following:
1. I am not Home Depot. If you travel thirty minutes to pick up a bulky 40-pound object, please come prepared with the necessary items you'll need to secure it to your vehicle. Yes, I have rope. I have a lot of rope. I have many different colors and sizes of rope. No, you can not have my rope. The ad said I was giving away a fridge, not a fridge with rope. Nor was I offering a fridge with padding so that the pleather seats on your piece of crap 89 ford pinto with no hub caps car don't get marked up.
2. What part of ' must pick up' in the ad was confusing to you? Yes, I have a vehicle. No, I don't want to haul your fridge all the way to East BumbleFuck on the coldest day of the year. No, I'm really really sure I don't want to do that. No, really. I'm sure.
3. Please call me only once with ALL your questions. I left for the day, and had 5 messages on my answering machine, the last one was at 11:30 pm. Frankly lady, you were sounding a bit too crazy by the end of the day. It's a fridge. A small metal box that keeps shit cold. I don't have the fridge's family tree. For all I know the fridge's was conceived by a slutty young Maytag that graced some hillbilly's side porch. I don't know the exact age of the fridge. I bought it a few years ago, I used it for a couple of months, ok, I lied, I used it a whole year. The fact is, you're not buying a race horse, you're buying a used fridge.
4. No, I will not throw in a couple bucks of gas money to pick it up because your anal retentive eyes picked up the ittiest, bittiest hairline scratch with a microscope so it wasnt completly described. I'm not making judgements on you, but I'm pretty damn sure Donald Trump didn't send you across the state to pick up a used fridge for Trump Towers. Though I'd wager the whole concept of the mini-fridge bar is a familar one to you.
5. Yes, you can unplug a fridge without any harm to the fridge. Believe me, the fridge is fine. The manufacturers have figured out a way to extend the life of a fridge that has been unplugged. Yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. No, you did not have to leave 2 messages about your concerns with the fridge being unplugged, and frankly it was a little embarrassing having the same conversation with you in my driveway where my neighbors could hear.
6. No, I don't have the operating instructions. I can write them down for you though: Plug fridge in. Open door. Put crap inside. Take crap out when it's cold. Eat or drink crap.
7. I am not a fridge pimp. I don't have any more fridges at that price.No i dont have one in a diffrent color to match your other appliances, No, I don't know where you can get another fridge just like this one for your friend. Yes, I know it's in great condition, and I'm sure you'd like your other crazy-as-bat-shit-mini-fridge-finding-friends to have one just like it, but this is all I have. Here's a thought, there's this online classified ads website. Yeah, you may have heard of it, it's called CRAIGSLIST. I dunno, maybe, just maybe, in this great land of ours, there's another mini-fridge being advertised there.
8. Please remove my phone number from your address book. I think our relationship is over. Oh, and if you've added me to your AIM Buddy List, please delete me. Please. I beg you.
Yours truly,
the guy that gave you the fridge
Labels: complaint, craigslist, funny
Erotic Falconry
Kind of confused about this site, kind of weird. Not sure if I am more turned on by the hot naked women or the falcon.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
I'm Fucking Ben Affleck
Saw this on Kimmell last night, it's his response to "I'm Fucking Matt Damon".. hilarious.
Labels: jimm kimmell
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Chopping my dick off made me famous
Our 100th post comes courtesy of Human Giant
"There was a lot of buzz when i chopped my dick, well I am just dealing with the whole no dick situation"
Friday, February 15, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
"Ask your mom for some cream...pile it's a scream! It's a game and it's new...get your face full of gooo!"
Friday, February 8, 2008
Letterman Meets a Cobra Snake: Hilarity Ensues
I rarely watch Letterman, but when i see that either Jack Hannah or Richard Simmons are going to be on I try to watch it because it's almost always funny. Novelty? Yes...but still funny. Case in point: last night's segment, where Jack Hannah brings out a Cobra Snake had me spitting out my cereal.
To watch it, head here, then click on the Jack Hannah segment on the bottom right. Worth the extra clicks.
UPDATE: here's the youtube of it:
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year: Best Sandwhich on the planet
Oh. My. God.
Yes please.
I present to you...General Tso's Cheesesteak. DJ are my new hero.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Feigning Interest on a Date
Pretty funny. Brings back some bad memories, pretty much of every date I have ever had.
Feigning Interest on a Date - Watch more free videos
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Yacht Rock Episode 11
Any video where someone air humps a laser beam out of their crotch gets my nod of approval. "Oink, Chop, Sizzle Crunch" indeed:
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Master of the Obvious: Maryland Scientists
The Baltimore Sun really digs deep in their story telling. Those must be some smart-ass scientists to figure that out: Maryland's commercial crab harvest has fallen significantly in recent years because, scientists say, there are fewer crabs to catch.
probably NOT why there are "fewer crabs to catch":
THIS is probably more likely the reason:
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Divine Threat Alerts
Do you hear that sound way off in the distance? That's Mike Huckabee having an orgasm. (LARGE version)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Funny Ebay Feedback
Funny list of buyer feedback from ebay auctions:
NEGATIVE: Despite indication in listing, I could not fit item into any of my body cavities.
POSITIVE: I don't really remember what I ordered. But I've been sitting in the box it came in all day, and it's great!
NEGATIVE: Lederhosen not as pink as the picture led me to believe.
NEGATIVE: Though you did nothing wrong, I am giving you this negative feedback to teach you that the universe is arbitrary and unfair.
Labels: ebay
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Slap Happy
This sounds like that one time when i was 8 and accidentally walked into my mom and dad's room one night. They must have been practicing clapping.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
New Amanda Berkowski!
I'm really pushing for this girl to be the Pop Sensation...
Labels: amanda berkowski
Sick Words
Krukolibidinous (KROO-koh-li-BID-i-nus) - Crotch-watching; having one's gaze fixated on the crotch.
Medical or scientific terms for things like:
Cacocallia (KAK-uh-KAL-shee-uh) - The paradoxical state of being ugly but at the same time sexually desireable.
Anorchous (an-ORK-us) - Devoid or deprived of testicles; in colloquial lingo, "has no balls."
Dysania (dis-AY-nee-uh) - The state of having a rough time waking up and dragging yourself out of bed in the morning.
Noeclexis (NOH-i-KLEK-sis) - The practice of selecting a partner based on intellegence and character without regard for physical attractiveness.
Read the rest here
Knicker Picker
Best Interactive Website Ever. Choose a model, pick what lingerie you want her to wear, tell her to turn around... come a little closer... nope I don;t like that one.. try on the other one. Trying taking your girlfriend to victoria's secret and see if it works out as well.
Labels: boobs
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
More Crazy Tom Cruise Videos
here they are in it's entirety. Am I the only one who finds it funny that David Miscavige(the guy in the first clip), Scientology's head honcho has a lisp? Seriously..does he run around yelling "THHHHIANTOLOGY ROOOLTTHHHHHH"... that's too much:
seems the last 2 have already been taken down.
Labels: tom cruise
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tom Cruise: Must Watch
We know everyone doesn't need any more proof of just how crazy Tom Cruise is...but then again we don't for Britney Spears but people keep watching about watching a train wreck. Ain't this fun?
Labels: tom cruise
More berkowski..
I can't get enough of this girl, is this for real? The music is amazing.
What is she doing in the bathtub with this one.
"Roast Beef is on the table....."
here is her mission statement.
Labels: amanda berkowski
Monday, January 14, 2008
Superstar: Amanda Berkowski aka Jackie Diamond!
Bye Bye Britney Spears and Xtina, looks like you are about to be the Debbie Gibsons of today. Here comes Amandda Berkowski..... er.. I mean Jackie Diamond...
Her profile
Labels: amanda berkowski, jackie diamond
See someone that has parked like an asshole. Now with this website you can print out a notice and put it on their windshield. The best part is the gallery where you can frustratingly search through images of people who have parked like assholes.
Tennis Boobs
Had it happened at Wimbledon, the sight of Tamira Paszek lunging around in a flimsy vest and straining sports bra would have left many venerable members of the All-England Club choking on their strawberries.
I need to start watching tennis again..
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Britney's Clenbuteroltini
Someone has finally posted the details about what happened to britney spears. Who knows if this has any truth at all, probably not. Most the time just say eh to all of this, but this is really really crazy and What the fuck is wrong with her!? Actually i would probably act like this too if I pounded a bottle of oxycontin and various other drugs, including pepto bismal? Maybe she just had really bad acid reflux.
She took a "Purple Monster", a mix of Nyquil, vodka, and an energy drink.
A long-term friend of the star told us: "It looks like everything in her medicine cabinet went down her neck. It seems she was only saved from falling into a coma as the drugs in her system almost counteracted each other."
The cocktail included:
TWO bottles of Nyquil
TWENTY diet pills, including her favourite brand Clenbuterol.
EIGHTEEN herbal uppers specially ordered over the internet.
EIGHTEEN Piriton antihistamine tablets
TWELVE Vicodin painkillers
TEN sleeping pills
UP TO eight antacid reflux tabs
ONE bottle of stomach upset mixture Pepto Bismol
TEN Zantac tablets, an anti-hangover and indigestion drug.
SIX Ritalin, for her attention deficit disorder issues.
TWO empty bottles of painkiller Oxycontin, known as hillbilly heroin, were also found at her home.
Some highlights:
Just a little sibling jealousy
Our source said: "Jamie's new-found publicity enraged jealous Britney. And after calling Kevin that night she rang Jamie and told her, ‘You're not going to be the only f***ing Spears on the front cover of a magazine next week!' and then hung up." Meanwhile Britney lost it when Kevin's lawyer Mark Kaplan showed up at the house and tried to talk her round.
"Then she sank her teeth into the guard's leg.
This is just depressing...
A source told us Britney's behaviour had recently become increasingly bizarre. The insider said: "About three weeks ago she started bashing her head against the wall when she's frustrated or annoyed about something.I feel a little dirty posting this, how do those paparrazi do this every day for a living?
"That's a form of self-harm. One of her team saw her doing it but never thought to intervene. She just thought it was Britney having one of her moments.
"Even when little Sean started copying her nobody did anything about it."
Labels: britney
Friday, January 4, 2008
Semi Pro Trailer
I don;t care if he plays the same character in every movie, I'm still not sick of watching Will Ferrel.
Labels: movies, trailer, will ferrell